Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Micro Dermals Surface Piercings whats Next in the Industry?

Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo will start offering Micro Dermals and Surface Piercings starting Thursday Jan 6th!! Most tattoo shops now a days are offering these services already but as always Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo will offer them at better rates then the competitors. It took me a while to warm up to the idea of offering these services in the shop because the risk of infection that could occur. But with the demand so hi for getting this new fad I gave in and made sure the staff will be properly trained in the techniques of these procedures.

Even an old school artist like myself knows that when the industry comes up with a new procedure it's almost suicide not to follow the trend. I've personally done many surface piercings. Those will start out at $20 bucks while the micro's will be $25. I'm starting actually liking the dermals because the art that can be added to tattoos. It actually spices up the piece by adding a different element.

I've often wondered what the next fad might be. The industry has came so far that I believe the future holds some really wierd and cool stuff. We already have the black light ink! I wonder what the next formula for the next generation of ink will be? Will it be brighter then now? Will the famous ink drop in an individuals eye turn into being able to change a persons eye color? The more time that passes I'm sure the industry will advance and pretty soon lasers will take over the job of an artist lol.

I would be interested in hearing from the readers what they think is next for the industry. Will you be the pioneer in another type of procedure not yet being performed?


  1. I agree. And I found that color changing ink might be in the works (?) I just got 2 dermals put in tonight and yeah, it hurt for 2 seconds but it was worth it. They look amazing. And I love them. Thankyou Tony for coming out and teaching us. And thankyou James for giving us this opportunity.

  2. Color changing ink would be amazing. I think that robots doing tattoos isnt far away it has already been in movies( starship troopers). I think that the way things are going, light implants would be coming up. Like actual like glowstick dermals sort of that would be straight lol.

  3. Color-changing ink and lighted dermals would be very cool, and I can see both of them gaining popularity. Halloween would be a trip, for sure. I'd like to see metallic ink with actual gold in it (and is safe). Does Goldschlager make tattoo ink? lol.

    I think the use of computers, and specifically computer-aided graphics is going to grow in a BIG way. There are many good graphics programs out there, and there are excellent computer-based compositions out there. Imagine you can go onto the shops' site and design your own tattoo, using tools on the website. Using phrases like "rose", "wings", "cross", and/or "skull", for example, you paste and position them together to create the tattoo's basic form. (Of course, the final line drawing, and drawing details, would be drawn-up and interpreted by the artist). They can email their design into the shop, and be given a quote or even schedule the appointment online. And by having the rough design before the customer arrives, it could be drawn up during downtime, making the shop more efficient. I think any tool you can offer your customers to help them envision their ink can only help them, and you will be offering your customers a better experience than your competition.

    I think a digital picture frame (or more) would be practical in a shop, too, so you can have a slideshow of all the completed work you're proud to show off to your customers. Not that you'd wanna show off or anything......

    Another trend I wouldn't be surprised to see the Tattoo Artist becoming a state-licensed and certified requirement. It's really a no-brainer. Not only does it help ensure minimum standards are kept, but it will create revenue for the state and create employment opportunities for artists who would like to teach the craft....and it will weed out the scratchers whose work is seen in the shop all the time (to be corrected). And I must say, there are some pretty terrible tattoos out there.
