Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cash Flow and Starting a free business

Cash Flow has been a very important subject that I've been going over with apprentices at the shop. Since the Tattoo Industry sees a slow period that usually runs November-March a successful Shop owner will think ahead and establish different flows of cash to keep everything at the shop happy. It's hard now a days to really find opportunities that has nothing to do with MLM's or get quick rich schemes. Most of these you have to pay a monthly fee or spend hundreds for a product that turns out to be worth ZERO!!! So how do you find an opportunity to increase your cashflow?

The opportunity needs to have a viable product. Something people need. The organization should not try selling it's network opportunity. That's an MLM scheme. So what do you know that we don't? In Illinois we've been forced to deal with Com Ed and it's monopoly for Electric. Illinois finally got smart and deregulated. I own Aberration Power Brokerage. An Affiliate of Emex Power in Texas who gives customizable qoutes to commercial customers from it's website. Everyone wants to save money on their electric bill. So customers give us their zip code and a couple of things from their bill and they get a qoute for free from Electrical Suppliers all over the Country. There is no interruption of service, no money needed to switch. Everything is free for the customer to switch over. It's a win win situation.

So by being a broker and teaming up with EMEX I'm able to sell electricity (NO Experience Needed by the way) and make .002 KWH on every account. Plus the residual money every time they renew the contract. So I have no upfront money to sign up. No money ever to buy company products. So its a perfect cash flow business. It's not a get rich scheme. It takes work and dedication. But the rewards pay off. The professional training you get, the support from the home office. Everything you need to run a brokerage is there. You can check out my site at http://www.yousaveusa.com to get more info on how to get your own free site and business that takes nothing to start. Get additional cash flow in your pockets.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Important update !!!

As everyone knows Aberration Tattoo now know as Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo use to be in Belvidere Illinois on Buchanan Street. We were forced to locate the shop to South Beloit because of the neighborhood the shop was in. It has come to our attention that a guy we had hanging around the shop along with his wife are going around saying they had ownership in the shop.

This is very false. Larry and Meridith at no time had any ownership interest in the Tattoo Shop. No license or partnership agreements were ever signed with Larry and Meridith's names. Larry is not an artist or affiliated with Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo at all. In fact they still owe Shawn one of our artist a $100 bucks for a tattoo that he did on Larry. I would be aware of Larry and Meridith for the simple fact that they will tell you many stories about being owners but it isn't true at all. We would never partner with anyone without tattoo industry experience. Neither Larry or Meridith have any shop experience.

Monday, November 22, 2010

What should be included in a Tattoo Apprenticeship?

Many individuals have been contacting me asking what a Tattoo Apprenticeship involves and how long it takes before they can start tattooing. Here at Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo we believe in taking a more involved approach when it comes to training compared to other Tattoo Shops. We believe the following has to be included in any training program.

1. A organized class participation outline

2. Hands on Experience

Each week the shop holds a class where the apprentices come together for a 2 hour class and learn about a variety of subjects. As an example our apprentices will be spending the next few weeks on Cash Flow. Some ask if they are here to learn how to tattoo then why should that subject be something they are learning in an apprenticeship program? The answer I would give to that is real simple.  I do not train individuals to work for me forever. I want them to go out and start their own shops one day, I want them while they are working with Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo to be able to go out there and promote themselves which in turn means they are running their own business while contracting with us for space.

Our school system does not teach financial education which is a shame. That is why you see must people in debt and trying to make ends meet paycheck by paycheck. The Tattoo Business is some kind of monster. It has it's ups and downs, it's feast or famine in the industry. Most people think that artist make tons of money. Yes that can be the case if your smart and run it as a business that depends on your abilities to achieve a set a of goals. Yes I could just put apprentices through the same program most places use. But is it helping train someone for what is really out there in the industry? No it isn't. How can someone be successful in the industry without basic financial education? They can't.

Some other things we have in our program is an extensive amount of Health and Anatomy. I must hit on Bloodborne Pathogens a hundred times a class and during the practical aspect of the Apprenticeship. This is because just like a hospital setting a tattoo shop if not maintained or staff educated can lead to some really bad stuff creeping around. A tattoo shop must be maintained better then a surgical room or doctors office. That takes training every time to drill that into someones head. Our Anatomy class is a month long program that covers everything from nerve and blood vessel location to CPR and First Aid. It is important for an artist to know the locations of important vessels or nerves on someones body before performing a tattoo or piercing.

Last but not least you have to get the hands on experience with everything you learn in class. This can be tracing 1000's of flash designs to making a business plan for your future shop. Our program takes a year to get by the educational part before putting you on an additional 1 year probationary period. In total it's a two year process. You have to be very dedicated to finishing the program or usually it's just a waste of time on both of our parts. If your interested in learning more about the apprenticeship program at Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo visit our website at http://www.aberrationink.com or stop by the shop at 611 Blackhawk Blvd in South Beloit.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo Is Illinois State Certified

Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo has received it's Illinois Department of Public Health Certification!!!! What's this all mean? Aberration Tattoo has passed a stringent process in which tattoo shops in the State of Illinois must now pass in order for the shop to remain open. All artist must be Bloodborne Pathogen Certified, the shop must meet the requirements of sanitation set forth by the Department of Public Health. Aberration Tattoo is proud of complying with the new Illinois Tattoo and Piercing Laws. It keeps the good shops open and the bad ones closed.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What are they Thinking?

Nancy Pelosi is set to become the Democratic Party Minority Leader. What the the Democrats thinking? They just got whooped in the last election because the people said that they didn't like what was happening to this country. The people don't like the spending these Democrats went on the past two years and they said it was enough by giving the Republicans the control of the house and almost the whole Senate.

This should show the American people just how screwed up Politicians think. They are in their own little world, power hungry and looking out for their best interest. Nancy Pelosi is the kind of person who cares nothing more then her image and how much control she can get. If elected to be the Minority Party Leader the Democrats will be looking at the defeat of the White House as well as both chambers. The American People are fed up with this non-sense in Washington. The Tea Party has proven that this election cycle. Already the Republicans are moving to kill earmarks and cut taxes. They are the ones with he wind to their back.

Obama is already looking at a crushing defeat no matter what in 2012 and this doesn't help him throwing support behind Pelosi. After all it was her used in half the Republican campaigns to defeat Democratic Runners. I believe the democratic party has been torn apart by these socialist thinking people and until the rest of the democrats stand up and say "Enough is Enough" their party will become less and less viable because the American People are just sick and tired of everything they are about.

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Past-The Present- The Future

I've been personally tattooing since 1994. Back then the stigma of tattoos and piercings was just starting to lift from the old just bikers,convicts and military just got them. The one thing that took a while was the bloodborne pathogen education to really start taking hold. Back then everyone worried about AIDS but since no documented case of the virus being transfered everyone was still dumb when it came to Hep or other types of infections such as staph. I still remember when artist would tattoo without gloves. Talk about a risky business back then.

The art and types of ink we had was way different then it is now. Just like their wasn't many places to go to get a tattoo, supply places to get inks and needles were also in short demand. Moms was the staple of the industry and back then it wasn't really all that good as it is today. Mom's ink today is some of the brightest stuff on the block. Back then tattooist use to use a jigger to make their own needles then use a autoclave to sterilize them and go straight to work.

Most of the tattooing back then was done either at the shop or someone with skill would tattoo you out of the house. Most were called scratchers because they didn't complete the apprenticeships the shops offered. Problem was without that many shops back then those apprenticeships were few far and between. Today the problem of scratching is rampant with the advent of the internet. Anyone can go and buy a kit off Ebay and just start going at it on someone. The biggest problem I see with this is that they have no training in Bloodborne Pathogens. It is the health side of the industry that most people have no clue. There is some nasty stuff out there that can be passed. Yes tattooing is an art form. Yes it is a lifelong journey to get it right. But safety has to be the most important aspect of it.

Back when I started out the Art of tattooing was still in the stone age. Our lining techniques as well as shading techniques were just basic at best. Nowadays artist are doing full color portraits on people. The inks are just out of this world. I've recently changed from Star Bright to Intense. The difference is just amazing. In the future I just can imagine what will be headed our way. Now we have the disposable tools in which to use. No more autoclaving like in the past. Personally I see no reason why if these disposables are here why any other shop in this country would go with metals any more. One time use is the norm and the risks to someones safety is greatly reduced. With the autoclavable barrels or forceps there is still a chance something can be passed. Now with disposable unless some artist is just a pig the chance of something being passed is erased.

The future of tattooing should be very exciting considering all the technology out there. Machines are being developed different from the old coil based machine. Different art techniques are being brought in by the younger generation. I'm waiting for when lasers will be used for tattooing lol. But in the meantime safety remains the biggest issue. Make sure that as a customer you are aware of the artist and the safety of the procedure. Tattooing has been around for millions of years and should be around for as long as the human race remains. Safety must always be the first thing not only on the customers mind, but also the artist.


Saturday, November 13, 2010

How can you do $10 Tattoos and $10 Piercings?

Here at Aberration Tattoo we always get the question "What can you get for only $10?" Aberration Pro Custom Tattoos has over 30 different styles of Kangi (Chinese Writing) name tattoos (Actual Edwardian Script 72 Font Size) sheets of flash with $10 Tattoos. We also have plenty of other tattoos that are our daily special such as praying hands, paw prints and a whole lot more.

Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo is a leader in being innovative in the Tattoo industry. Other shops are upset because we drive down prices. Aberration feels it should be on the side of the consumer. Tattoos and Piercings have been over priced for so long it was time for a shop to be proactive in helping all the hard working individuals a chance to get a work of art

The economy today has been rough on everyone. The Tattoo industry still hasn't evolved with the times. Competition is rampant in other industries, Why not the Tattoo Industry? Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo will always be on the cutting edge to promote our industry in a good light. When it comes to the customer you can always know that we have your back.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Time to take a stand against Pitbull Dogfighting

The Pitbull breed has been so misinterpreted in the media it's sickening. Yes the Pitbull is part of the bully breed. Yes they are the number one animals used in the dogfighting arena. But is that the breeds fault? The answer is no! It's low life want to be gangsters and individuals who get their rocks off on trying to make money off of the animals blood. I would really love to have these individuals put into a ring and make them fight to the death while we sat around cheering and betting on who was going to die first.

I'm an owner of a pitbull named Harley. She is a wonderful vibrant one year old American Pitbull who was rescued off the street and became a very close member of the family. She represents everything that the Pitbull breed is all about. Shes cuddles better then the wife does LOL! She is always right there to cheer you up when you are down. But most of all she has given my children someone who is close, playful, and someone to love. My 7 year old is her best buddy and she loves being around him all the time.

A Pitbull is more loyal and playful then most breeds of dogs. You would never guess this because the media has made them into monsters because off what idiot people train them to do. It's sickening to see that the media will only pay attention when a Pitbull is involved in a bad activity. It's up to us Pitbull owners to stand up and speak for a breed that has got a raw deal all these years.

I say it's time to circulate petitions or bug the hell out of our representatives to make it a serious felony to be caught dogfighting. Make the penalty really hurt those who wish to make money off the blood of these lovely animals. If ever there was a cause to be involved in this would be the one. Why should an innocent dog be put through the torture it endures because we have idiots out there getting their rocks off?

Politicians only listen to the masses. Join in the campaign to get tougher laws on Dog Fighting. Write your representatives and get them to pass laws for tougher penalties. Get involved with your local Pitbull rescue by donating time, resources to these great organizations. Lets speak up for those that can't speak for themselves.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Government for the People by the People

I talked to a friend today about what was happening in the world today as far as how the political climate has changed in the last 20 years. Her answer was she really didn't care about politics and what the government was doing. That seems to be the norm now. People feel as though it's not in their best interest anymore to take an active stance in their community or their government. This can be the most important single reason why we have seen crime, unemployment and a host of other modern worries everyone faces each day skyrocket the last 20 years.

When the individual becomes uninvolved in his/her community you only have a handful of others that make the decisions that affect the masses. I use to be a Republican. I own a small business and it was always important that taxes were in line for me so I could make a living. Another important issue was that of Health Care for everyone. I once heard a Republican commentator say that it was not a "right" to have insurance but a privlage. Well that idiotic thinking turned me away from the Republicans right away. The Democrats on the other hand are notorious for raising taxes. President Obama likes to spread the wealth to those who are needy. Like a small business that is built on sweat and hard work likes giving it's profits to someone else that hasn't worked for it. So the Democrat Party was out for me.

The problem that we face as Americans is the reality that the two party system is broken. I now consider myself an independent who votes for the person that closely relates to the issues I care about. I know it's dam hard for that to happen, but they are out there. We witnessed this year the Tea Party rise against the political machine. Hopefully those individuals that won election will stand behind their platforms. More importantly we as the citizens of the United States need to get involved.We need to get involved with whats going on in government. Yes everyone deserves Healthcare. Yes it's a right for everyone to be covered. No it's not right the politicians on the right passing it off as socialist policies. Here's a solution to get everyone covered without hurting the national budget without being a socialist policy. STOP sending billions of our tax payer dollars in foreign aid to other countries and instead invest in our peoples health care. They fought for it, they died for it, they earned the right to health care.

And to the Democrats interested in sharing the wealth. Stop raising our taxes to spend the money on bail outs and programs that are failures. You cannot have an economic recovery with taxing the very people that hire and have direct influence on the unemployment rate. You cannot spend yourselves out of an economic recession. No it's not right nor is it American to spread the wealth. That is insane and idiotic way of looking at solving problems.

Politicians if they work together can always find common ground. Take out wanting to get re-elected and actually working for the people and I know that things in this country can get done. If the politicians can't get it done then it's our job as citizens to vote them out of office just like this past midterm elections. America is a great country. Our system works. But without the involved citizens of this country being directly involved then the ideas our great country was founded on will be replaced with money and power hungry idealist. I still have hope that those who say it's not a care in the world to them what the government does will one day wake up and realize before it's too late- Yes it is your responsibility to care.

New Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo School Opening

With the ever growing interest in Tattooing and Body Piercings these days a growing trend has emerged. People will go onto Ebay or Craigslist and buy a tattoo kit. Then they go out and tattoo on people without having a clue of what they are doing and what dangers await them and their clients. Apprenticeships are very hard to find now a days and cost lots of money where most people can't afford it.

Aberration Tattoo decided to solve these problems by offering training from pro artists in a school/shop location that will afford individuals to receive the proper training at a price they can afford. We are now enrolling students in our new Tattoo and Body Piercing School located in South Beloit Illinois. The course will run for a year in which the student will learn everything from drawing skills, Business Management, Human Anatomy and more. The student will also receive time in the shop on a weekly basis to observe and practice what he/she has learned.

The cost of the program is $25 per week. This will includes a two hour class and 2 days in the shop. This is for those only who are dedicated and want to learn how to be a professional tattoo and body piercer. After the class completes in a year. If your attendance and work is good then you will be offered a probationary position with the shop or you can take the skills you've learned to another shop or start your own business. When you leave the class you will be able to go to new heights in the industry knowing you completed a bona fide apprenticeship program. This class is not like the 4 or 5 week courses you see on the internet. No one and I mean no one can learn the trade in that time. It's more then just picking up a machine and tattooing people. If your interested in enrolling or have more questions give us a call at 779-475-0750 or email us james@aberrationink.com

Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo
"Home of the $10 Tattoos and $10 Piercings"

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo: How our logo came about

Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo: How our logo came about: "As everyone knows our logo is of a Pitbull. Pitbulls are the most misunderstood dogs out there. Our pitbull was rescued from the streets whe..."

How our logo came about

As everyone knows our logo is of a Pitbull. Pitbulls are the most misunderstood dogs out there. Our pitbull was rescued from the streets when she was only 9 months old. At first the wife was very scared to have the dog around the kids and the house because of all the negative things she heard about the breed. I would always tell her that it was the idiot owners that gave the dog a bad name. Sometimes I wish I could put the idiots that dog fight into the ring and let them fight it out like the poor dogs had to and see how they liked it.

Pitbulls are the most loyal dog I've owned. Let me tell you I've owned many. My Pitbull Harley is more of a lap dog, she loves to cuddle and be around humans. She lives with two other dogs Dakota (Siberian Husky) and Molly (Ankle Bitter). She gets along with them great!! Other dogs are another story. The breed has it in them to be protective over their turf. Most dogs are like that but Pits have more of that protective instinct bred in them.

Harley has been a great addition to the family. My kids are in love with her-she plays all day with them and at night you can find her cuddled up in the bed snoring away. It's a shame that these lovable dogs have gotten such a bad rap. It's the dam owners who make the breed bad. Following simple rules can make a Pitbull a welcome addition to a family.

1. If other dogs are in the house make sure that they are properly introduced.
2. Make sure you and every member of the family displays a leader of the pack attitude.
3. Socialize socialize your Pitbull around other humans.

3 Simple things can really help a Pitbull make a wonderful pet and friend who is loyal and expects just a belly rub to be happy.



Tuesday, November 9, 2010

LA INK or other Tattoo Programs

Around the tattoo scene you will hear lots of bitching about Kat Von D or other artist that appear on the programs. The bitching is coming from within the profession mainly artist. Why you bitching? Miami Ink was one of the first shows to bring tattooing to the mainstream then from there LA INK. Without those popular shows tattooing could of remained in the bottom of the barrel in society. Those fantastic artist brought tattooing into the modern age. With tattooing coming out into the open laws regulating the industry finally started surfacing in Illinois.

Illinois passed a more stringent law in Sept 2008 and the enforcement of the laws have finally started coming around. Before taking over our present location at 611 Blackhawk Blvd in South Beloit this place would've never been able to pass a state inspection. One of the reasons I believe the operator shut it down. What the health regulations do is force the operators of the shop to be sanitary and responsible. The tattoo industry has come a long way since the dark ages. No longer is it bikers, convicts or military getting them. Thanks to Kat Von D and others the industry has gone mainstream with Doctors, CEOS, and other high profile people getting into the action.

So all you tattoo artist out there who like complaining about Kat or Cory Miller-take notice. They are the main pushers behind this industry coming into it's own. Now it's our responsibility keeping it mainstream. Keep up on the local laws, be responsible and know limits of your abilities. Don't always be about the money and treat your customers with respect. The industry should grow from there if we do our best to keep it real.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Tattoo shop compared to Home Tattoo Parties

Imagine if you were sick and wanted to get better. Would you go to a person with no medical training or some witch doctor? No you go to a professional who has the training and experience to help you with your problem. What amazes me is the total disregard people have when it comes to letting just anyone tattoo or pierce their bodies. Did you know that almost all artist in a shop has completed at least 2 years of an apprenticeship under a trained artist? Did you also know that those tattoo parties being ran out of someones your house probably bought their equipment off of ebay and started scratching on people without any training.

Individuals are putting their health and the risk of bad art in the hands of an untrained professional. Again would you go to a witch doctor to make you better? Then why go to someone with no training in the field? Another big thing people don't look at is just because  a person claims to use disposable needles and barrels doesn't mean your safe. Cross contamination occurs such as bacteria from everyday living that can cause some major health risks to a person getting tattooed.

At a shop everything is disinfected on a daily basis with such stuff as Madacide-A hospital grade chemical that kills virus and bacteria that can get pretty nasty if in the body. Don't treat your body to something you will regret by going to someones house for a tattoo. Go to a studio that is certified and have artist who know how to deal with sterilization.

All artist at Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo have completed an apprenticeship-certified in a OHSA Blood borne Pathogen course. Visit us at 611 Blackhawk Blvd in South Beloit. And yes we book tattoo parties but the difference is we have them at the shop in a safe and clean environment.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Website address updated and the new move

Aberration Tattoo has just launched it's new website so customers can navigate easier and book appointments easier. Visit us online at www.aberrationink.com to check it out.

On a more important note Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo completed it's move to 611 Blackhawk Blvd in South Beloit. Everyone is excited about being closer to the Stateline and serving both the Rockford and Beloit Areas. We've been getting an overwhelming response to our opening and would like to thank all of our customers for coming out and seeing us.