Sunday, January 30, 2011

What are Tattoo Conventions really about Anyway?

In the world of tattooing there is no better place to be then the Convention Circuit. The Tattoo Convention circuit is not only a place to make a hell of alot of money for tattoo and body piercing artist but also a way for artist to have their work judged by their peers in the industry. Many conventions held around the world each year always feature some of the best and brightest talent in the industry. The convention circuit is where you can meet your favorite artist and actually get pointers from them about new techniques in the industry. 

Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo  will have James attending a lot of the local and National Circuits. James will be bringing along some apprentices so they can get their feet wet outside of the shop atmosphere. Tattooing is just more then sitting in a shop doing one customer after another. It's a lifestyle that one gets into. Tattooing is not only expression through art but it is also getting out there and seeing the world around you. How can one really express an artistic side without getting out there and experiencing life and what it has to offer?

On the convention circuit you have to sit back and take everything you see and hear in. From the rides by car from city to city, to the seminars giving on different subjects by the artist themselves. What you take from your travels on the circuit will reflect in your art at home. What you learn on the road from the many different seminars will have a positive impact on your work as an artist. Every tattoo artist needs to keep learning. Like anything else if you come to a complete stop your work will suffer.

Some of the conventions I wish to hit in my career are the one in Tokyo and England. Most have to remember the greats are not always located in the States. Many of the best artist I believe come out of Japan. The Artist in Japan are still very much trained by the Master/Student tradition. In my view Tokyo Horitoshi First is the best artist Japan has to offer. Most of his work is by hammer needle combination.
He will be attending the Las Vegas Convention in 2011. I look forward to meeting him.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

What does a coloring book have in common with tattooing?

What does a Coloring book have to do with tattooing? Well I get this all the time from some new Apprentices that start our school. I'm quick to point out that even after 16 years of tattooing I still have them around the house and use them any chance I get. Most of the time while sitting at the shop you'll find me doing random flash sheets of the wall. It's not only relaxing and makes you focus more on something fun, it really helps me develop a shading plan with different shapes.

I had two students tell me they thought they couldn't draw and they were doing bad. My response was simple. Yes you need your drawing to not only be creative but also if your stencil wipes off. Let's face it everyone tattooing is just like the old reliable coloring book. We put the stencil on and color it in when the line work is done. Thats the basics when you look at it really close up. I told them we are all not the best artist on paper but if they can master the lining and shading in a coloring book then they could really make an impact on skin.

To many times in the industry I heard artist bash those without much drawing skill on paper. As soon as those same artist that were bashed got on skin they would just run over those with advance art skill. Going from paper to skin is two different mediums. Not all people like drawing on say paper. Some don't like doing anything but working with clay. So does it really make a difference if someone can draw suburb on paper and not do the same work on skin?

Tattooing is the art that will take a lifetime of learning. It seems like every couple of years some new fad or style comes into the industry. We as tattoo artist have to adjust to the trends and help those around us who need the help also adjust. I cannot say it enough. "Just because someone isn't a pro at drawing doesn't mean they can't make a great tattoo artist."

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Competition Amongst Tattoo Artist

As with everything in life competition exists within the Tattoo Industry. This competition increases even more when a shop is located in a heavily populated city where other shops are located. Chicago for example has well over a hundred shops both in the city and in it's suburbs. Rockford is Illinois third biggest city and it also has plenty of shops competing for the consumers dollar. That competition among artist can be very competitive to outrageous, this past week I had to let an artist go because of the competition took a turn for the worse.

This artist was good, but he let his personal life and jealousy for a co-worker drive him to the point where his whole attitude effected his job. Competition is great for the industry but at the same time we as artist have to keep it within reason. I can see a friendly kind of goofing around or giving someone shit about how they do things. But when that friendly goofing around turns into jealous outburst then it's time to nip it in the butt.

Every one in the industry needs to keep that in mind because the industry has come to far to go backwards because of something one shop does against another.Tattooing has become main stream and in order to succeed in the industry an artist must get out there and promote themselves to the public. I ponder something that someone told me this week about how they talked the shop up more then they should've. That statement made no sense to me because isn't it the artist who wants to make money? In order for the artist to grow their business they have to get out there and promote the business.

The last couple of posts have dealt with what kind of stuff can go on in a shop and what to expect if your thinking about opening one on your own one day. The biggest thing about opening a tattoo shop everyone has to realize the amount of competition out there and how to deal with it. Do you have the network marketing skills to promote your self? Do you know the mediums that your target base is going to be? Does your business plan deal with your competition? All very needed questions that warrant an answer.

Opening up a shop isn't about going and getting flash or tattooing. It's a business with lots of ups and downs. In order to prepare for these ups and downs one must get experience in the field first. If your not with a shop who is currently strong in the marketplace then you will have a hard time learning what to expect in this industry. On a day to day basis the following factors apply to running a shop.

1. Competition and how to respond to attack ads or ill will
2. How to bring the customers in so the shop and your artist make money.
3. Current Economic situation and how to adjust to it.
4. Promoting the business within the shops means and getting a return on investment
5. How to keep a good shop atmosphere for the employees and customers.

Not to mention how to pay the rent and bills the shop is responsible for. Many artist have trouble with the shops out there charging a 50 percent commission on a tattoo. Well the shop is responsible for all the rent, utility bills, up keep on the building, advertising which cuts out a big percentage of the pie. After these factors the shop is lucky to break even on what it splits with an artist. Thats why you see most shop owners also tattooing because thats actually their profit for the month.

Lets remember this when you want to open your own shop. Is it better to just work for a shop because your not responsible for any of the bills except for promoting yourself. Or do you want to dive into the owner aspect and hope to turn a profit?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Did you know?

Hello Everyone It's Ann with Aberration Tattoo......
Let's ponder this..... Did you know????
 Tattoos are made by inserting pigment into the skin with an electrically powered solid needle that punctures the skin between 50 and 3,000 times per minute (makes me think of a sewing machine - yikes!!). The needle penetrates the skin by about a millimeter and deposits a drop of insoluble ink into the skin with each puncture.
When you look at a person's tattoo, you're seeing the ink through the epidermis - the outer layer of skin. The ink resides in the dermis - the second layer of skin, just below the epidermis. Dermis cells are far more stable than the cells of the epidermis, so the tattoo's ink will stay in place, with only minor fading and dispersion (spreading out), for a person's entire life!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tattoo Shop Atmosphere

A tattoo shop has long been considered a extension of many artist family. Lets face it with an artist creative side to blossom the place where he or she works has to be up beat and nurture the creative side. Sometimes this comes with risk to the shop in the form of too much drama and it's up to the owners of the shop to make changes when needed.

I've personally worked at shops that were both fun and a drag, when I opened Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo I wanted it to have an atmosphere of fun and learning. I've learned many important lessons in my time owning the shop. Drama can be a morale killer and also effect the way customers and the art they receive. So when it generally comes to things effecting the customers I have to step in and fix the situation. I really hope that I can make the right decisions so the atmosphere can stay fun and exciting.

One thing that is certain is that it takes the entire staff to work together as a team to run a shop. The shop is never defined by just one artist or even the owners. A shop is defined by all that participate in making the shop the best it can be. I've seen lots of shops come and go in my time in the industry because the morale of the shop effected the customers and they would stop coming. I had an instance were two apprentices started going out together outside the shop. When they were inside the shop they would ignore customers and make the shop look bad. I had to get rid of them because they couldn't keep personal stuff outside the shop and caused all kinds of drama.

It wasn't until this past week me and my partners decided it was time to enforce a rule where staff cannot date each other. If they do then they need to keep it quiet and out of the shop.When staff start dating each other they forget where they are when they are working. They show displays of emotion that wouldn't be accepted in any other work place atmosphere. So now to avoid any more problems within the shop the decision to stop it all together is the best way to prevent any more problems.

Artist are sometimes a little slow when it comes to the economy. They are use to making great deals of money everyday and forget that we either feast or go hungry because we work on a percentage only. There is only a handful of artist out there that can name their price for a shop to hire them. Most of these artist who think they are hot shit go store to store for 5 or 6 months and either quit or get fired because they get use to a daily routine. They start relying on the shop to bring them customers instead of getting their work out there. When that starts happening they change the morale of the shop because they are not making the money.

Owners and even other artist have to stay on them type of artist and push them to network and get the word out. Last case effort has to be for an owner to understand when to say enough is enough. If the artist don't have the drive to make his own career go then it's time to part ways with that artist. An owner can only take so much before he/she has to say enough is enough. Yea the shop might lose a few customers here or there because the artist is no longer there. But on the flip side the owner will gain more customers because the atmosphere in the shop will change back to a positive nature.

This is something that come Wednesday I will discuss with the apprentices. Most of them want to operate their own shop one day. This topic here is a make or break for any shop. As future tattoo artist/owners you always have to put the shop first. It's your business and how you will be making a living when you graduate.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Workforce and Tattoos!!!

Even in 2011 as the tattoo industry has slowly become  mainstream the body art that people get can find that they no longer have a job. It's funny how slow that the work place has not changed with the rest of society. Doctors, lawyers or even congressman get them- this should show the world that body art has come full circle and acceptance should almost be assumed. This is not the case and I don't see it anytime soon either. The problem is still the older generation is still in charge and they haven't been able to change with societies views. With this in mind we as artist have to be proactive in protecting our clients interest.

What's it mean to to protect our clients? When an 18 year old kid comes in wanting a name or other design on the neck it would be our responsibility to discourage that from happening. Why let someone that young get a tattoo in the neck region when you as an artist know that it won't be accepted in his/her workplace. Clients usually come into the shop all gong ho getting tattoos in spots that are not socially acceptable, friends usually get them there and they think it's cool. Or the famous let me get my boyfriends name on my neck and I ONLY been with him for 2 weeks. Education is much of our job as tattooing someone. If you knew something bad was going to happen to someone would you not try and warn them before it happens? Same thing as education and your client.

I know as a tattoo artist personally with all the tattoos I've got that it would be very hard if not impossible to get a job at a bank or say selling insurance. Why? Because with dealing in the financial sector people have the image of some professional looking person. If you have a client in that profession it's probably better for them to place a tattoo in a place where it can be covered by clothing. Hands, neck, even below the elbow wouldn't be a good idea. One thing I believe and emphasis to lots of women is the fact that society still doesn't accept tattoos on arms for females. I'm seeing a hell of a lot more of them these days but have also heard the troubles they are having getting employment. So yes it's personal preference for location of a tattoo. But be responsible and warn your clients about the potential side effects and hassles that can occur.

Personally I will not do side of the neck tattoos on anyone 18-23. At this age I do not believe that a client has settled into a career and the tattoo that I put on can cost them in many ways in their desired career. Boyfriend girlfriend names are the same. If I did this I know some time in the near future it would be covered up. I've been in the business a long time and the story is always the same 2 or 3 weeks later. So artist in this industry need to be pro active and involved with their clients. Education will always pay off because the client sees that you care about their interest and it saves you as the artist a big headache in the end.

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Age of the Scratcher

The Age of the Scratcher!!! Isn't it so? With tattoo kits being sold all over the internet on sites such as Ebay and Craigslist we in the Studios are seeing more and more of the above kind of tattoos on a daily basis. Being self taught isn't a big deal to me as long as they would educate themselves the right way. Videos or Dvd's isn't really going to show a person how to set needle depth or machine tuning. Individuals who just go and start tattooing on a persons skin is quiet frankly an idiot. How could they have a mind of ease to just go screw someone up? Before going off on the deep end I think we as artist should really place the blame where it belongs.

It's Tattoo suppliers such as Superior Tattoo who is famous for selling to who ever has the money. This is why  hardly any professional shop will by from them. I refuse to buy from any supplier who doesn't request our EIN number or business license. I put much of the blame not on the scratchers but on the Supply industry. The supply industry is the number one industry that SHOULD be regulated. You won't find any medical supply stores selling their items to anyone not licensed to buy. I believe the shops around the country should boycott the suppliers that advertise directly to the non-professional tattooist.

When tattooing many different kinds of bloodborne and infectious diseases exist in the process. Those not trained in the art will most likely get into a situation where disease is spread and walk away without any liability what so ever leaving the person tattooed in the ER with a 10 day regiment of antibiotics if they are lucky. A story of a women who got infected with Hep B can be found here. This lady has some responsibility herself on getting this condition because she should've went to a reputable tattoo studio. Even though the artist was licensed he shouldv'e never did it outside his states regulations.

Now A days it's just not getting a bad tattoo from these people. It's a life threating to go somewhere just because of price. Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo has adopted the policy of giving great artwork for prices people can afford in this economy just to try and help people avoid going to individuals without any training. Our apprentices are put through exercises every week to learn the trade. A lot of them are tattooing grapefruits and bananas right now doing all sorts of exercises. Some probably wondering why the hell they are drawings lines here or shading the entire grapefruit in. The reason behind alot of the exercises is to get them familiar with the machine, controlling needle depth, finding a groove they can work comfortable in. Most scratchers don't even now how to bust down a machine more less control it on skin.

I'm hopeful one day that the government will require regulation of the Supply Industry instead of going after or making it tougher for the studios. If they would go after the source then it would be much more less likely to see breakouts of Hep B like in the 70's in New York that led to a ban on shops until just recently. I can tell you most shops care a lot about how the work comes out and also the customers safety. I've had people call into the shop asking if it were ok to put needles they used on someone in an oven to reuse them. Yes this is the kinds of scratchers out there tattooing people right now. Hopefully the future of tattooing isn't screwed up because of these kind of people running around out there.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Steel Barrels versus Disposable Barrels

When I started tattooing back in 1994 I used steel barrels. Disposable barrels still were not widely used in the industry. I also started out using a brass frame machine. The weight that the two were combined was nice and heavy. With how heavy the whole set was enabled me to throw down lines like butter. The steel barrels also aided the machine in how it sounded and how I was able to tune it. In 2005 I decided it was time to go with the industry standard of disposable barrels. Up until like three weeks ago I was totally behind the idea of using just disposable equipment at the shop.

With disposables I've found only a few advantages over the steel counterparts. They were one time use and the artist threw them out. The public liked this idea because for years the industry used it as a marketing tool to get customers in the door. The tattoo industry tends to market the fear of catching some disease to the public in order to get them into the shop. Well as many of our students learned last night during our sterilization class a tattoo shop can be more clean then a hospital.

Our class was on the process of how we get our equipment sterile. The State of Illinois mandates that all shops who use steel instruments have an ultrasonic cleaner and spore tested autoclave. At Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo we actually go through more of a process then required. We use three processes to kill and sterilize all of our equipment. Chemical, Autoclave Steam, and UV sterilization up to the minute a customer comes in for a procedure. Many have called it overkill because we have an up to date spore test, but at our shop the safety of the clients and staff is priority number one. With our processes we are able to achieve 100% sterilization.

So with the shop doing more then whats required by State Law the artist are able to enjoy using equipment that is better then disposables. Disposables usually disrupt the machines tuning and the needles ability to ride on a smooth surface. If you ever pulled a disposable barrel out of a package you notice the artist has to cut some of the ends of the barrels off. So instead of giving out bad work thats the main reason I decided to go back to steel. Every artist has their way of doing things, Aberration will be a MOMS and Steel only shop because the quality of the tools affect the outcome of our procedures.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What Laws would be good for our industry in the State of Illinois that other states currently have?

AlabamaRegulatedStateLicensing and Facility Inspection Under Department of Health Services
tattooing of minors is prohibited; blood borne pathogen training program required
AlaskaRegulated StateSec. 08.13.217. Tattooing or body piercing on a minor. (a) A person may not practice tattooing on a minor. (b) A person may not practice body piercing on a minor without prior written permission from the minor's parent or legal guardian and the presence of the parent or legal guardian during the body piercing procedure. The person who performs the body piercing shall keep a copy of the written permission on file for at least three years.
ArizonaRegulated StateHB 2666-441-H (Revising Title 32) Permanent Makeup is regulated separately from tattooing; tattooing of minors is prohibited; It is unlawful for a person to engage in the business of tattooing out of a home...
ArkansasRegulated StateRegulated separately for body tattooing; tattooing of minors is prohibited
CaliforniaRegulated StateAB 186 requires registration with county health dept and facility inspection.  tattooing of minors is prohibited
DelawareRegulated StateTattooing of minors is prohibited
ColoradoRegulated StateLicensing under the State Board of Cosmetology;  Permanent Makeup is regulated separately from tattooing 25-4-2103.
Parental consent for minors. NO BODY ARTIST SHALL
ConnecticutRegulated Statetattooing under the supervision of a physician and regulated by the Dept of Health
Procedures• Facial tattoos may only be done by licensed physicians
• Injection of chemicals into the skin by tattoo artists to remove tattoos is illegal
• Customers must be sober
• Signed consent forms required
• Parental consent forms required for minors
• Artists must keep records on every customer for at least 2 years
• Oral care instructions required
• Acetate stencils must be sanitized
FloridaRegulated Statepermitted under general endorsement of MD, DDS or DC. 877.04; tattooing of minors under age 16 is not legal
GeorgiaRegulated Statestate statue prohibits tattooing within 1" of eye; tattooing of minors is prohibited; licensure required by department of health
HawaiiRegulated StateRequires exam, license & registration and with physician supervision tattooing of minors is prohibited
IllinoisRegulated Statetattooing of minors is prohibited
IdahoRegulated StateParental consent is required for tattooing, branding and body piercing of any person under the age of eighteen (18) years. No tattooing, branding or body piercing may occur on any person under the age of fourteen (14) years. Piercing of the ear lobes and piercing for medical purposes are exempted from this legislation. Penalty for violation is an enhanced misdemeanor with additional penalty for subsequent violation withing one year.
IowaRegulated Stateregulated by Public Health Dept.; tattooing of minors prohibited
IndianaRegulated StateSenate Enrolled Act 13;tattooing of minors is prohibited
KansasRegulated Stateregulated by state board of cosmetology;  tattooing of minors is prohibited; licensure and training must be approved by board of cosmetology
KentuckyRegulated Statetattooing of minors is prohibited
LouisianaRegulated StateA. It is unlawful for any person to tattoo any other person under the age of eighteen without the consent of the parents of such person.B. It is unlawful for any business entity to pierce the body of any person under the age of eighteen without the consent of a parent or legal custodian of such person.
Licensed by Department of Health
MaineRegulated StateMicropigmentation Regulated separately from body tattooing tattooing of minors is prohibited;certification by the AAM required
MarylandRegulated StateRegulated by Board of Cosmetology; cosmetic tattooing is illegal and prohibited in a beauty salon.
MassachusettsRegulated State state of Massachusetts has legalized tattooing and classified Permanent Makeup under Body Art.  Each city in Massachusetts will have their own restrictions through the Board of Health. Board of Health in Cambridge requires AAM certification; For more information you can contact Marie Eileen O'Neil AC 617 624-5280,
MichiganRegulated Statetattooing of minors is prohibited; facility license required with Dept. of Health
MinnesotaRegulated Statetattooing of minors is prohibited; tattooists are not regulated by State government in Minnesota. Tattooists may be regulated by city or county agencies.
MississippiRegulated Stateregistration and licensure governed by Dept. of Health
MissouriRegulated StateHB343 tattooing of minors is prohibited ; licensure required 
MontanaRegulated Statetattooing of minors is prohibited; regulated by health board with physician director
NebraskaRegulated Statetattooing of minors is prohibited
NevadaRegulated StateTattoo artists must be licensed by the city in which they live. The regulations are set by the county where the technician resides.Clark County currently has strigent regulations on health permits and inspections. Washoe county requires a license from district health department for "invasive body decoration establishments".
NewHampshireRegulated Statedistinguishes tattooing and cosmetic tattooing; Tattooing of minors is prohibited. Photo ID is required.
New JerseyRegulated StateTattooing of minors is prohibited. Photo ID is required. New Jersey has adopted new codes for tattooing, permanent makeup and piercing. Certification by the AAM required
New MexicoUnregulated Stateno legislation only statutes for animals
New YorkRegulated Statenew regulations have been proposed. As of 1999 tattooing is now LEGAL in New York City; tattooing of minors is prohibited
North CarolinaRegulated StateRequires annual permit, tattoo removal prohibited -. Some local prohibition (Wake Co.); tattooing of minors is prohibited and is considered a felony
North DakotaUnregulated Stateonly regulations on tattoo equipment
OhioRegulated StateOHIO Code Regulated by the  State Board of Health . Tattooing of minors is prohibited  
OklahomaRegulated StateHouse Bill 1964 has been passed & signed by governor: tattooing only by licensed medical practitioners in course of practice until new guidelines are placed into action as mentioned in HB1964
OregonRegulated StateRequires 368 hrs. Training at state approved school, written exam. DDS authorized to give anesthesia injections for lip procedures tattooing of minors is prohibited
PennsylvaniaRegulated Statetattooing of minors is prohibited; new restrictive codes; illegal for cosmetologist to provide permanent makeup in salon according to the State Board of Cosmetology
Rhode IslandRegulated State2000 Legislation The director of Dept of Health  shall promulgate rules and regulations which provide minimum requirements; tattooing of minors is prohibited 
South CarolinaRegulated State  Tattooing has been voted in South Carolina.
Click here for the state laws
South DakotaRegulated Statetattooing of minors is prohibited
TennesseeRegulated StateRequires 1 yr. Apprenticeship with tattoo artist that has been licensed with the state for min. 3 yrs., registration with local health dept., inspection, and permit. Tattoo removal prohibited. tattooing of minors is prohibited
TexasRegulated StateSterilization Standards under the Health Department. SB 1812; tattooing of minors is prohibited
UtahRegulated Statetattooing of minors is prohibited; some regulations by County Local Ordinances only: Toole County, Salt Lake City
VermontRegulated Stateregistration requirements under the office of professional regulations 3 year experience as tattooist required; tattooing of minors is illegal
VirginiaRegulated Statetattooing of minors is prohibited; Study of tattooing safety by Department of Health 2001
Washington DCUnregulated Districtnone presently; no licensure required
WashingtonRegulated StateHOUSE BILL 1042 pending approval by governor. new standards for tattooing. If you know regulations in Washington, please let us know
West VirginiaRegulated StateTattooing of minors is prohibited; business registration certificate & register with their local or regional board of health
WisconsinRegulated StateTattooing of minors under 18 is prohibited; regulated by Department of Health; The practice of medicine and surgery is further defined not to include tattooing and body piercing when done for purposes of bodily adornment ( Dec 1999).
WyomingRegulated StateState of Wyoming tattooing of minors under age 18 is prohibited; unless emancipated minor

Monday, January 10, 2011

How a lot of Tattoo Artist Need to learn to enjoy art

To be a true Tattoo Artist an individual must really love art in general. As for myself I enjoy landscape painting, classical music, and clay. Other artist might be into working with metals to form a shape or image while others like drawing and collecting. The point being is yes we are really the only profession were we get paid good money to do the stuff we love. We get to come to work everyday and create a piece of art that is going to be with someone the rest of their life.

A question I have for most artist and things I really don't see is "Why don't you make money with your drawings? Why don't you make money with your sculpture?" I grew up with an artist who now practices in Texas. Not only is he a fantastic tattoo artist- he's a real good painter and loves to draw. In marketing he not only promotes his tattoos, he also sells his drawings and paintings online through his personal website.

To be a truly great tattoo artist an individual must really love art and creating it. It isn't real hard to copy something off a wall and tattoo someone. It is dedication on the part of the artist to dive into custom work for his/her clients. Draw something using your imagination and then put it on flesh and sell your original along with the tattoo. By doing that the client truly has an original piece. If an artist has a whole drawing pad full of art they can sell those as flash sheets to all the shops or through distributors. I've seen it over my whole career where the artist just gets in the routine of just tattooing and not exploring multiple avenues of the industry. When an individual does this they lose the edge. They accept life as a one path to the end kind of mentality. By accepting this path the individuals art starts to suffer and so do the clients.

If an individual just getting started in the business I suggest real strongly that they dive deep into the profession and explore what is right for them. Don't be just another tattoo artist that accepts his/her current situation and performs at sub par levels. Go out to the woods and sit and enjoy the scenery, draw what you feel at that moment. Go out and dive into photography and capture the images that can be put to use in ideas for tattoos. Let yourself experience emotions which can add a new dimension to your art. To be a true artist an individual must go with the flow, they don't have to be the best in the world at painting or tattooing. The individual just has to let their creative side come out and stop being hidden on the surface. Most of us are taught at an early age that being creative will not do us any good in life. I beg to differ on that point because it's that creativity that lets us enjoy life more fully.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Why Tattoos and Piercings have become a popular stay

Almost ten years ago these were the designs associated with the tattoo industry. Tattoos were a symbol of hate and rebellion against society. Miami Ink hit the scene and changed everything. The show let ordinary people learn that it wasn't just those who were racist or on the fringes of society who were getting tattoos, but ordinary people who had meaning behind the pieces they got. The tattoo industry owes much of it's success to the programs that document the lifestyle such as Miami Ink. Without the programs tattooing would still be a back room business. Today Tattooing is a 2.5 Billion dollar industry, Tattoo shops are popping up on every corner. It is a place no longer cursed by parents, as a matter of fact Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo sees parents bringing in children where years ago it was taboo to see kids in a shop.

I believe also that the big change in the industry as come from the changing of the guard. Depending on the generation is how tattoos are looked at. People who grew up in the 60's tend more to look on tattoos as a symbol of expression just like the decade they were raised in. Someone growing up in the 40's would look at tattoos as a taboo because back then life was more strict and artistic expression was limited. Now children born to those in the 60's have exploded onto the scene. When Illinois law went to 18 for the age limit individuals were coming out of the wood works.

I believe tattooing and all the industries associated with it will do nothing but grow. It's an industry that has been around thousands of years now. At the same time it has now began to grow finally into a beast that will keep on growing. I consider the last ten years it's childhood. With all the new techniques and public acceptance I think it will continue to grow into a huge force in the business world. Just like acceptance is becoming more and more in the workplace, the individuals who have grown up knowing tattooing as just another daily event-they will pass that onto their kids and tattooing will have another generation to look forward too.

With this new found growth comes responsibility on behalf of the industry. Artist and owners of shops must support laws regulating the industry so it doesn't slide back to where it was and continues to grow. Schools like the one at Aberration needs to be started all over the country to train the next generation of artist in how to properly take responsibility in representing the industry. Just because we are popular now doesn't mean the good times will last if we do not take the steps to sustain the growth and popularity.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Micro Dermals Surface Piercings whats Next in the Industry?

Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo will start offering Micro Dermals and Surface Piercings starting Thursday Jan 6th!! Most tattoo shops now a days are offering these services already but as always Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo will offer them at better rates then the competitors. It took me a while to warm up to the idea of offering these services in the shop because the risk of infection that could occur. But with the demand so hi for getting this new fad I gave in and made sure the staff will be properly trained in the techniques of these procedures.

Even an old school artist like myself knows that when the industry comes up with a new procedure it's almost suicide not to follow the trend. I've personally done many surface piercings. Those will start out at $20 bucks while the micro's will be $25. I'm starting actually liking the dermals because the art that can be added to tattoos. It actually spices up the piece by adding a different element.

I've often wondered what the next fad might be. The industry has came so far that I believe the future holds some really wierd and cool stuff. We already have the black light ink! I wonder what the next formula for the next generation of ink will be? Will it be brighter then now? Will the famous ink drop in an individuals eye turn into being able to change a persons eye color? The more time that passes I'm sure the industry will advance and pretty soon lasers will take over the job of an artist lol.

I would be interested in hearing from the readers what they think is next for the industry. Will you be the pioneer in another type of procedure not yet being performed?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

How to people pay tribute to others through ink!!

Many people get tattoos to pay tribute to a love one that has died. At Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo we see a lot of individuals bringing in their own designs that they might of made up in order to remember a love one. As in RIP tattoos a new trend has been popping up to celebrate new life. People are bringing in copies of their babies footprints or hand prints. James at Aberration tattoo says "I believe it's a great thing. I've done many sets of these prints and seeing the eyes and happiness on the person getting the tattoo when it's done is priceless. It makes my job worthwhile knowing the joy my art has brought to them".

For so many years tattoos more specifically the RIP tattoo has been one of the number one tattoos in the industry. The RIP will always remain one of the top procedures in the industry. It's important that the artist be respectful to the clients wishes when doing the tattoo. A fine line exists when discussing the subject on how the person might of died or why this specific design of the tattoo. It is more easier for the artist to ask questions that will engage a customer to speak freely about the tattoo. After all getting the tattoo in the first place is a form of healing from the event in itself.

When an artist is doing portraits or other designs for an individual celebrating a birth or special event in ones life an artist should engage and show happiness for the individual. In this industry an artist has to do more marketing then in the old days. If the artist wants to have a successful career in the industry, friendships are going to be the number one way of getting the customer to return. By getting involved with the meaning of the tattoo the artist has the chance to really engage a relationship with the client. Remember every client that comes through the door is a possible lifelong client. RIP and Footprints tattoos are really a good subject matter to expand on the client/artist relationship. As long as the artist is tasteful and puts the clients feelings first then a solid future relationship can develop.