In many craigslist ads you will see many claim that they are "Certified"!! My question then becomes what kind of certification are they talking about? I know in the State of Illinois that in order to be certified a shop (Not the Artist) has to make an application to the State of Illinois to get certified by Public Health. See the link right from the Health Department in regards to the Illinois Body Art Code.
In order for a shop to get certified they must undergo a yearly review by the Department of Public Health. Blood Born Pathogens does not constitute being a certified Tattoo Artist. The Blood Borne Pathogen Certification is one of only many requirements that the State of Illinois requires of a shops artist. They also require that a shop submit floor plans, Operation and Sterilization Procedures, Names and Addresses of Artist who perform the work as well as a variety of mandatory shop equipment that is needed.
So if you follow the link to the Body Art Code you will find that all these artist working out of their own private home studio or going to your location is indeed not certified by the State of Illinois. A studio is required by law to apply for a temporary permit 14 days prior to the event to be tattooed. I highly doubt that these artist have that when going to your house.
Bloodborne Pathogen certification is important. It's important in the shop environment because many things can and sometimes go wrong. The safety of the artist and also the client is at stake. So it's very important to go to a certified shop from your tattoo because the process in which that shop became certified for your protection.
I agree with this. So many people can just say "I'm a certified tattoo artist" and have crappy work. I take this to heart since I'm going through the training and learning more than I even fathomed.
OUCH - Up to $1000 in fines per day for non-compliance to the State of Illinois body-art/mod code. If that doesn't scare you into learning the art properly, I don't know what would.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree that artists should be certified by the state they work in. Any legitimate artist should not have a problem with this either, since licensing would weed-out the scratchers.