Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dare to Dream

  Making your dreams come true what does that say to you? Everyone has dreams that they envision everyday. It could be to get out of an individuals situation that they are currently in that they dream big. They don't like where their life is right now and want something better. Or a person could have a dream long held since childhood that they still haven't gotten around to achieving yet. Why do people sit by and not act on the dream they have? Many will say dreams are for those who have money. Still yet many say dreams are for children and the real world doesn't allow for dreamers. I have to disagree with both the above situations. Life is a gift that the old man upstairs has given each and every one of us. Nothing has ever been predetermined for any of us. It is our responsibility to dream and make our lives better. It's an individual experience not a collective whole that must go after the dreams we might have had since childhood.

 What makes it hard for someone to achieve the dreams they set out to achieve is the lack of vision, desire and most of all hard work. An individual must believe in their capabilities. An Individual must solve problems and break through any and all barriers in order to make that dream come true. Life is a hard game just getting by as it is. But life loves throwing those curve balls at a person to get them off the path they were going down. Once that curve ball happens people get all off their game plan and most of the time never find the way back to their original path. It is hard to accept some of the cards life deals. In honest terms though it is the individual that is the creator of their own problems. It's the failure to address the problems head on that lead to the problem to become bigger then it already was.

 The biggest dream most have is to be rich. Well isn't it? Be honest now with yourself. Look at all the people who have millions and billions. Now look at those who look to the government for their care. Is there a pattern here? Yes the rich get richer and the poorer get poorer. Why is that? The rich have a outlook-dreams to live a better life. The poor want the government to solve their problems. I'm not rich by far. Actually I live paycheck by paycheck like most people. One thing I'm doing is reaching out with two feet planted and given it all I have to make myself learn more about how to make more money and take the risk to achieve it. I've been doing a lot of reading. Books like Rich Dad and Poor Dad or even books by Donald Trump. Who better to get advice from then those who already achieved their dreams? At the end of the post I will give the reader some of the links I go to for my education. Yes I said it education. In order to achieve your dreams you have to get educated. Without education and especially financial education which school doesn't teach us you will have little chance of getting rich if thats your dream. Without training in a sport you won't be able to make it in that arena either.

 So whats the point of everything here? Work and more work along with education will enable you to achieve your dreams. Be the person who takes on problems and spits at them. Develop a strategy and follow it. If it doesn't work then adjust to another one until it works for you and where you want to be in life.


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