Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo Company is proud to offer individuals the chance to become Tattoo Artists or Piercers through our Apprenticeship Program. Individuals attend a Wednesday Weeknight Class and are expected to work in the shop in order to help off set the costs of the training. James who came up with the training style likes to run the program how he was taught. He has done thousands of pages of flash, thousands of pages of drawings, hours watching artists do their thing in order to learn has much as he could. What is expected out of Aberration and Twilight Apprentices? Dedication and the willingness to learn all that can be soaked in.
Why the apprenticeship if you can go on ebay and purchase a tattoo kit and just do it from home? Like any trade (Tattooing is a trade) Masters pass down the information they have received to those who are eager and willing to learn. Apprenticeships are not given out lightly. Many out there dream of getting into a shop as an apprentice-most will shell out thousands of dollars to be giving the chance. Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo Company has a waiting list for people wanting to become a apprentice. One of the biggest mistakes that apprentices make during the program. Drama! Drama is your worst enemy at any tattoo shop. It kills any opportunity someone has to learn their craft. Getting caught in the he said- she said will do nothing but get you shown to the door. Older artist are notorious with kicking apprentices to the door because they do not take the craft serious enough as it should be. Just think how much information can be learned if the focus is kept on the craft and not who’s fucking who?
Last night I had a very interesting talk with one of the apprentices. He is an eager to learn kind of kid, at the same time he loves the party atmosphere which most of the time a tattoo shop will bring. It was explained that the partying and goofing around is part of the lifestyle we live. On the other hand that partying and carrying on is meant for full artists, Artist have already learned what their craft is about. Apprentices are their to learn and take the opportunity to really take in the information when its presented to them.
To be or not to be? That’s smack dab on the individual if they want to succeed. Artist will give them the opportunity to learn. Apprentices can take that opportunity and be someone they set out to be or they can take the other route. That route leads to an opportunity missed and lost. The apprentices I have now must ask that question. To be or not to be? Your totally in charge of your own path. Choose wisely because opportunities come and go. Don’t be on the outside looking in.
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