I talked to a friend today about what was happening in the world today as far as how the political climate has changed in the last 20 years. Her answer was she really didn't care about politics and what the government was doing. That seems to be the norm now. People feel as though it's not in their best interest anymore to take an active stance in their community or their government. This can be the most important single reason why we have seen crime, unemployment and a host of other modern worries everyone faces each day skyrocket the last 20 years.
When the individual becomes uninvolved in his/her community you only have a handful of others that make the decisions that affect the masses. I use to be a Republican. I own a small business and it was always important that taxes were in line for me so I could make a living. Another important issue was that of Health Care for everyone. I once heard a Republican commentator say that it was not a "right" to have insurance but a privlage. Well that idiotic thinking turned me away from the Republicans right away. The Democrats on the other hand are notorious for raising taxes. President Obama likes to spread the wealth to those who are needy. Like a small business that is built on sweat and hard work likes giving it's profits to someone else that hasn't worked for it. So the Democrat Party was out for me.
The problem that we face as Americans is the reality that the two party system is broken. I now consider myself an independent who votes for the person that closely relates to the issues I care about. I know it's dam hard for that to happen, but they are out there. We witnessed this year the Tea Party rise against the political machine. Hopefully those individuals that won election will stand behind their platforms. More importantly we as the citizens of the United States need to get involved.We need to get involved with whats going on in government. Yes everyone deserves Healthcare. Yes it's a right for everyone to be covered. No it's not right the politicians on the right passing it off as socialist policies. Here's a solution to get everyone covered without hurting the national budget without being a socialist policy. STOP sending billions of our tax payer dollars in foreign aid to other countries and instead invest in our peoples health care. They fought for it, they died for it, they earned the right to health care.
And to the Democrats interested in sharing the wealth. Stop raising our taxes to spend the money on bail outs and programs that are failures. You cannot have an economic recovery with taxing the very people that hire and have direct influence on the unemployment rate. You cannot spend yourselves out of an economic recession. No it's not right nor is it American to spread the wealth. That is insane and idiotic way of looking at solving problems.
Politicians if they work together can always find common ground. Take out wanting to get re-elected and actually working for the people and I know that things in this country can get done. If the politicians can't get it done then it's our job as citizens to vote them out of office just like this past midterm elections. America is a great country. Our system works. But without the involved citizens of this country being directly involved then the ideas our great country was founded on will be replaced with money and power hungry idealist. I still have hope that those who say it's not a care in the world to them what the government does will one day wake up and realize before it's too late- Yes it is your responsibility to care.
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